Items tagged with "Māori student achievement"
Rangiātea: Western Springs College
Project focus: individualised monitoring of student achievement

This is an awesome school, and you’ll do really well academically. If you come here, you won’t want to leave. (Māori student)
Western Springs College is a decile 8 co-educational school in Auckland. Māori students make up 17 percent of the roll.
Tags: Māori student achievement
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- Māori education success
- Rangiātea: case studies and exemplars
- Rangiātea: Western Springs College
Shortcliffe Andrew
To investigate strategies that can successfully enhance educational outcomes for Māori and Pasifica students. To reflect on the effectiveness of our own school's strategies and programmes developed over the last four years and consider where further modifications and improvements can be made.
Tags: Māori student achievement
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2014
- Shortcliffe Andrew
Stevens Kay
To investigate the provision of specific programmes to enhance student well-being and social skills, with a particular focus on Māori students.
Tags: Māori student achievement
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2015
- Stevens Kay
Tawhiti Jade
Investigate tuakana-teina concepts and their correlation to reciprocal and peer learning strategies to lift the achievement of our Māori students.
Tags: Māori student achievement
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Primary award recipients 2019
- Tawhiti Jade
Wilson Scott
To research, analyse, and implement strategies to enhance parental and whānau engagement to support their children's learning, aimed at both parents and whanau of school aged children.
Tags: Māori student achievement
- Home
- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2014
- Wilson Scott